Sequential Review

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Monophonic, Polyphonic, Homophonic, and Mixed Textures

The way in which a song is arranged or performed determines its texture, depending upon the types of musical voices which are present. It is often possible to perform a song differently, in more than one texture, by arranging or adding musical voices. Of course, not every type of song can be performed in every texture.

As you follow through this sequential review, you will see four examples of the same song, with musical voices arranged to represent each of the four musical textures -- monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, and mixed textures. First review those four textures here:

Monophonic Texture

Monophonic Texture consists of a single melody alone.

Polyphonic Texture

Polyphonic Texture consists of two or more melodies performed together at the same time.

Homophonic Texture

-- OR --

Homophonic Texture consists of a melody with chordal accompaniment, or chordal harmony alone.

Mixed Texture

Mixed Texture consists of two or more melodic voices plus chordal harmony.

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